
Liturgical Volunteering

The liturgical ministries are among the most visible volunteer efforts and are critical for a vibrant and functional Liturgy. If you’re interested in volunteering for any of these ministries, please contact the parish office.
Choir and Music – Play a musical instrument or have a great voice? Come join the choir and fill the church with praise! Our youth choir performs at the 10:15 service.


Reads the 1st or 2nd readings during Mass.


Distributes collection baskets, and guides people to empty pews.


Greets everyone at the door, and distributes bulletins at the end of mass.

Altar Servers and Training

Help train or coordinate the altar servers for the liturgy. Children in the 3rd grade or older are encouraged to participate in this ministry.

Arts and Environment

Help decorate the church for liturgical seasons, as well as create seasonal decorations.

Eucharistic Minister

Administer the Eucharist at mass.


Help spread the gospel and the Eucharist to those who are unable to come to mass.


Prepare the church before mass by readying the vestments, hosts, wine, and more.

Linen Cleaning

Cleans the linens used during mass.

Money Counters

Counts the money collections from masses on Monday.